What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
There is a reason that the Brazilian Butt Lift procedures continue to grow in popularity. A Brazilian butt lift can improve more than just your back side – it can also boost your posture, your strength, and your overall confidence. The ideal candidate for this procedure is someone that has lost fat in their buttocks, wasn’t naturally gifted with a beautiful behind, or someone that is just looking to increase the overall size and width of the buttock. Our board-certified plastic surgeon in Miami, FL, Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso, continues to gain global recognition for his learned hand in this impactful procedure.
The basic technique for a Brazilian butt lift is removing fat cells from unwanted areas on your own body, such as your abdomen, flanks, and your back. By doing so, your overall figure is improved, leaner, and will have more definition. The liposuction of the back area is critical since it creates a slope leading to the buttock region, giving the patient a nice slope for a bigger behind. Once the contouring via liposuction has been completed, the true artistry comes in. The fat is injected into the buttock via very small incisions, and then it’s massaged and conformed to the patient’s specifications in size and shape. Amongst other plastic surgery procedures, Dr. LaGrasso currently performs several Brazilian butt lift procedures per week.
What Are The Benefits Of A Brazilian Butt Lift?
A Brazilian Butt Lift is the perfect way to get the curves you want if you weren't graced with them by genetics or haven't been able to get them at the gym. But in addition to the great curves, a BBL:
- Slims and tones — because a BBL harvests fat from other parts of your body, it helps reduce stubborn fat in problem areas
- Improves your body's proportions for a better shape
- Is a safer butt enhancement than implants — using your body's own fat reduces or even eliminates the risk of rejection
- Provides a more natural look and feel
- Can reduce the appearance of cellulite
- Produces results that are noticeable almost immediately
Brazilian Butt Lift Reviews
Who is a candidate for a brazilian butt lift?
Before you schedule BBL surgery, you should first privately consult with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. LaGrasso, who has a wealth of experience performing butt lift surgery with fat tissue or implants. Dr. LaGrasso can meet with you to discuss:
- Specifics of the butt lift procedure
- Your goals for a butt lift and your overall aesthetic goals
- Medical history (including past and current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs)
- Pre-surgery prep and post-surgery recovery plans
- Concerns, questions, costs, benefits, risks, and more
- Any other cosmetic surgery procedures interests
What to expect during a A BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT
The body will first be initially evaluated to make sure that the patient is a good candidate for the Brazilian butt lift method. It will also be assessed as to which areas will be liposuctioned. Depending on the amount of fat necessary to fill the buttocks area, multiple donor sites on the body may be considered. After liposuction has been performed, a closed sterile system is used which ensures the fat tissue is never exposed to the air. This keeps it safe and purified for reinjection into the buttocks. Our plastic surgery office uses P188, a triple-wash antibiotic that sterilizes the tissue and separates the healthy fat from any tissue that may not survive the transfer process. We then reinstate the fat little by little to make sure that the layering is done properly, effectively and that the results are smooth and shapely.
How long is recovery after A Brazilian Butt Lift?
This surgery is considered an out-patient procedure, and general anesthesia is usually used. In some cases, IV sedation will be used. This depends on the extent of the liposuction and transfer process. The surgery lasts an average of 2 hours depending on the number of donor sites and fat layering needed. After surgery, a compression garment is worn to help with the swelling and also assist in the contouring of the buttocks.
On day 2 – 5, the tenderness in the buttocks should rapidly resolve. You should be able to move around your home without assistance. During the next 2 – 3 weeks, you must not to put weight on the butt area following surgery, which will help the transferred fatty tissue survive. Sitting or laying down must be done with the weight mostly on the thighs. Final results, after the swelling and bruising has subsided, usually can be seen within 6 – 8 weeks (and you maybe able to resume to your full exercise regime) .
Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs
Will I experience Lumpy Cheeks After A BBL?
When done correctly, the result of this butt reshaping procedure should look and feel natural. It is very important for those who are considering this procedure to find a plastic surgeon with good background and experience with this type of surgery. The results will be affected by the quality of how the fat to be reinstated is selected and purified, and the procedure of how it is injected.
Should I select a fat transfer or butt implant?
Many patients select a fat transfer treatment because they feel it is more safe and natural. For some, they are simply not comfortable with implants or a foreign device placed in their buttocks. When choosing whether to go natural or with implants, it’s important to understand the pros and cons to each. The one disadvantage of fat transfers is that the injected fat maybe naturally reabsorbed into the body over time, which means that a secondary surgery could become necessary later on in order to maintain max results. Implants are a permanent solution so patients will need to consider the long-term effects of surgery carefully.
Can You Use Multiple Donor Sites For Fat Grafting?
Multiple donor sites for the fat grafting may include the lower backside, abdomen, love handles and the thighs. Liposuction done in these areas usually also helps contour the surrounding areas of the buttocks, which results in a gorgeous silhouette.
What If I Gain Weight After My BBL?
The ideal candidates for this procedure are those who are at or very close to their goal weight. Significant weight gain or loss can compromise the results of the surgery. Over your lifetime, continue with diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle changes in order to retain the benefits of your surgery.
How long will my results last?
While a small amount of fat may be reabsorbed after the Brazilian butt lift, the majority of the transferred fat will remain in your buttocks for a long time. To maintain your results, you should to maintain a steady weight since major weight loss or gain can compromise your BBL results. That's why our team recommends you be at or near a healthy, stable weight before your BBL so it is easier for you to maintain.
How can I recover faster after a BBL?
To help minimize your recovery timeline following a BBL, Dr. LaGrasso or a team member will review post-surgical instructions. You must avoid sitting on your buttocks for at least two weeks as the area heals. We recommend you buy a donut-shaped pillow or a Boppy nursing pillow, which lets you sit with pressure on your thighs rather than your buttocks. Short walks and light stretching can help to improve your blood flow and reduce swelling. Dr. LaGrasso and our team might also recommend a special post-surgical massage to speed your healing.

Get The Curves You Want
The Brazilian butt lift has become so popular because it allows individuals the chance to attain the full and round buttocks they have always wanted. As the world around is honed in on a healthy, rounder bottom, the Brazilian butt lift has become one of our specialties at Jeffrey LaGrasso MD. If you want a curvier behind and are seeking a natural alternative, we invite you to contact our office in Miami, FL today to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso.