What is a Neck Lift?
Of all cosmetic surgeries, one that can produce the most striking improvements to an individual’s profile is a neck lift. This procedure by our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso in Miami, FL, works well for weight loss patients and for older patients who have loose, sagging skin on the neck area because of aging. Say good-bye to saggy skin or a “turkey neck.” Dr. LaGrasso can remove excess fat and loose skin for a tighter, slimmer profile, treat the appearance of wrinkles, and remove unsightly lines or bands on the neck. During a completely private consultation, Dr. LaGrasso will explain what technique he may use when rejuvenating your neck for a youthful, new you. Call and schedule a consultation today.
About the iGuide Neck Lift
Even without the need for a full facelift and neck lift, some neck tightness can change this. This is where the iGuide neck lift can be a great option. It’s not as invasive as other options. Often, it only requires sedation or local anesthesia. The iGuide neck lift uses a new technique for lifting loose skin under the chin and jaw. It does not require an incision. Instead, a support suture is placed through a series of needle sticks. Instead of cutting and moving muscles, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. LaGrasso weaves the suture below the jawline using a single thread. In short, you get all the benefits of neck rejuvenation surgery. It may be used alone or combined with a facelift or liposuction. The iGuide has Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the movement of the soft tissues and for the lifting of the sub-dermis and muscle below. The recovery time is fast, too.
It also reduces side effects, such as swelling, bruising, and the risk of nerve and muscle damage. In fact, there is only minimal swelling, bruising, and scarring, and this often is the result of liposuction added to the process. In general, patients can return to work within days. Meanwhile, a neckband is used for three days to assist in healing, especially if we perform liposuction. Generally, patients can resume exercise in 1 – 2 weeks.
What are the benefits?
At Jeffrey LaGrasso M.D., our Miami, FL patients who consider getting neck lifts should remember the following benefits that this procedure provides:
- Getting rid of loose and excess skin beneath the jawline
- Discrete, small incisions that heal into easy-to-camouflage scars
- A quick, easy recovery period
- Boosted self-confidence in your profile and overall appearance
Am I A Good Candidate For A Neck Lift?
Individuals seeking neck lift surgery generally deal with visibly loose, hanging skin on the neck. Sagging neck skin is usually caused by gravity, weight fluctuations, and aging. Whatever the reason, loose neck skin produces an older, unbecoming look, which can only be addressed with skin removal and tightening. If your weight is stable, but you feel frustrated by loose skin, wrinkles, and lines on the neck, a neck lift surgery may be a great answer.
What is the surgical technique for a neck lift?
A neck lift removes hanging skin and reshapes the neck. During the procedure, an incision is placed under the chin and/or behind or in front of the ears. If you have fat on the neck, we use liposuction during the surgery and perform this part first. Finally, Dr. LaGrasso trims away excess skin, pulls the remaining underlying tissue and muscle tight, and sutures the incision.
What should I expect before and after neck lift surgery?
At an accredited surgical clinic, we perform this procedure under general anesthesia and as an outpatient surgery. The duration of the surgery usually takes around two hours, although it may vary, depending on the case. You may experience bruising and swelling after the surgery, but this will subside in a few days after the procedure. Initially, patients will feel tightness and numbness. Once the neck adjusts to its new position, patients will notice a more relaxed feeling and a beautiful surgical result. It can take up to six months for the final results to appear.
Neck Lift FAQs
Do you have questions about undergoing a neck lift? Our list of neck lift FAQs can provide the resources you need so you feel more informed about the surgical process.
Is there a nonsurgical neck lift?
Surgery is the only way to remove loose skin, especially if it is saggy enough to hang and droop. Therefore, a neck lift is the only solution when it comes to redefining an individual’s neck to create a strong contour. While patients have the option to choose from some very good skin tightening laser treatments, surgery still provides the best results.
Will I have scars after a neck lift?
There is minimal scarring with this procedure. Since the incision is placed under the chin and near the ears, the scarring is usually hidden. A skilled facial surgeon will take a great effort to minimize scarring as much as possible.
What is the best age for a neck lift?
This depends on the situation and the amount of loose and sagging skin that is present. Some weight loss patients are young and may require a neck lift at a young age (for example, those between 20 – 30). For older patients who combat loose skin because of aging, the most common age is between 50 – 70.
Can I combine a neck lift with another cosmetic surgery?
During the initial consultation, we will discuss your cosmetic concerns and determine if you may benefit from another aesthetic procedure, such as a facelift or a chin implant. Patients often combine these additional procedures to achieve the desired contours and aesthetic goals.
How can I maintain the results of my neck lift?
Maintaining the results of your neck lift involves a combination of a healthy lifestyle and good skin care. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins to support skin elasticity. Protection from sun exposure by using high-SPF sunscreen, wearing hats, and avoiding direct sunlight during peak hours is also crucial. Regular use of moisturizers and consultation for nonsurgical treatments like fillers or laser therapy can complement the longevity of your neck lift results.
Are there any lifestyle restrictions post-neck lift?
Once fully healed, there are typically no permanent lifestyle restrictions following a neck lift. However, we emphasize the importance of a balanced lifestyle to prolong the aesthetic benefits. Initially, patients may be advised to avoid certain high-impact activities or heavy lifting for a period post-surgery. It's also wise to maintain a stable weight, as significant fluctuations can affect the surgical outcome.
Great Neck Lines
Say goodbye to your "turkey neck" profile and attain the firm and smooth neck of your dreams. If you feel self-conscious about loose skin and wrinkles on your neck, we welcome you to contact Jeffrey LaGrasso M.D. in Miami, FL, to learn more. Neck lift treatment by our team has changed the physical appearance of so many men and women. We look forward to sharing this exciting cosmetic treatment with you.