New Year Resolution! Get a Jump Start With a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction
The new year is when everyone wants to start working on their resolutions and most of them involve some sort of weight loss or dropping that excess fat. Many people think of ways to improve their physique and kick off the new year right. If this is one of your goals too, consider getting a head start on everyone else with liposuction and a tummy tuck. Maybe you’ve lost weight and are ready for a body that has more shape and tone? Or, maybe you have a little loose skin and some pesky areas of fat you want gone.
Most men and women have heard the terms tummy tuck and liposuction at one time or another. But let’s dive in a little deeper and see how using them both together can get you the slimmer, more toned results you want, leaving your Miami friends asking “what have you been doing!?”
Tummy Tuck Surgery. What Is It?
If you’ve lost a considerable amount of weight, or if you have weight fluctuations, have gone through childbirth, or are simply aging, loose skin can become more noticeable in the tummy area. This is when many people consider getting a tummy tuck. This cosmetic surgery is focused on the removal of excess skin and tightening the area so that it is flat and toned. A tummy tuck is not going to help you lose weight, but it can help you lose that loose skin and pooch that keeps you out of a bathing suit or tighter fitting clothing. There are many different types of tummy tucks, but the most common ones are a full, a mini, and an extended tummy tuck.
A full tummy tuck is probably the most common form for both men and women. It is done by making an incision from hip to hip just under the belly button. The incision is generally made low enough so that it can be hidden by undergarments. This tummy tuck uses liposuction to remove excess fat and then the loose skin is trimmed away and the underlying tissue tightened for a smooth look. A full tummy tuck is done by making an incision from one hip to the other, but don’t worry, the scar can be covered by your underwear. We will remove the excess fat through liposuction reposition the belly button, so it looks natural. Finally, we’ll stretch the skin down to complete the look of smooth skin.
A mini tummy tuck is similar to a full tummy tuck, just less extensive. In fact, most people that get this version just need minimal tightening and can usually have this achieved with a small incision just under the belly button. You should already be at or close to your ideal shape but simply want to address some of the extra skin in your lower abdomen. Liposuction may or may not be used.
An extended tummy tuck occurs when you’ve lost quite a bit of weight and need more body contouring. The incision will be larger than a full tummy tuck, possibly extending to the back area of the hips when necessary. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat and a larger amount of loose skin is removed during this tummy tuck process. Sometimes, during an extended tummy tuck, the belly button will need to be repositioned for a natural look.
Like liposuction, all three tucks require you to be close to your ideal weight. After the procedure, you’ll also have to wear a compression garment and you’ll need to rest for at least 48 hours, if not more. You’ll want to move around to reduce the possibility of blood clots.
What is Liposuction?
If you have some stubborn fat that you can’t get rid of, liposuction might work for you. Unlike tummy tucks, it is focused on removing fat instead of skin. Liposuction removes fat deposits, improving your body’s shape. Like tummy tucks, it is not used for weight loss, since you should be close to your ideal weight. In other words, it should not be viewed as a method for weight loss. There are three techniques: ultrasound-assisted, tumescent or “super-wet”, and laser-assisted.
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound waves to break up the fat and melt it into liquid. We will then remove the fat with a cannula, which is a small tube. This method works great with denser fat from the thighs and stomach. Ask us about VASER liposuction, which can minimize the possibility of injury during the procedure. Tumescent or “super-wet” liposuction uses a solution and power-aided motor to remove the fat. We will inject the solution, then use a cannula to remove the fat. This method allows us to remove a varying amount of fat cells.
Lastly, laser-assisted liposuction uses lasers to break up the fat and turn it into a liquid, making it easier to remove.
What About a Combo Surgery?
One of the most common ways to reshape and tone your figure is by combining liposuction with a body contouring surgery like a tummy tuck. They are one of the most popular combination surgeries at our Miami, FL plastic surgery center.
If you’ve lost weight or have gone through pregnancy, the chances are high that you probably have that stubborn excess fat and skin that’s difficult to get rid of. Sometimes, you can work off it off with diet and exercise, but depending on how severe the weight fluctuations are, you may need help with cosmetic surgery. The biggest struggle outside of the loose skin is the lax muscle that accompanies childbirth. Originally, your muscles are close together in the middle of your stomach, but as the baby grows, your muscles naturally spread apart. A tummy tuck can help tighten those muscles on the wall of your stomach and help you get that pre-baby body back.
If you are looking at the new year or are already in the midst of it and are ready to take control of your belly pooch and the loose skin that keeps you out of a bathing suit, call our Miami, FL plastic surgery center to learn more. Tummy tuck and liposuction are popular treatments that help give our clients the self-confidence they desire to get the flat tummy they want. It’s time to finally cross this resolution off your list!