The Brazilian butt lift: From flat to fab
With ever-evolving beauty trends, men and women are embracing a curvier physique. The Brazilian butt lift, also known as a BBL, is an extremely popular cosmetic procedure in Miami, FL. This hot new focus on the derriere has men and women seeking to restore their backsides to a perky position with added fullness and volume. Squats at the gym can definitely create definition, but volume can only be added through an augmentation like the Brazilian butt lift. In Miami, FL, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso has performed this highly-desired procedure on countless patients, giving their backside the shape and curves they desire. Below, is some helpful information on the BBL including how much excess fat you actually need for optimal results.
BBL explained
The Brazilian butt lift is two cosmetic procedures in one. Featuring both liposuction and then a fat transfer to the buttocks, unwanted fat is first extracted from either the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or back and is then purified and strategically injected and massaged into the “flat” areas of the buttocks to create a volume boost. The use of the patient’s own fat ensures that there are no foreign substances in the body, reducing the risk of infection. The result is a long-lasting, shapelier silhouette. In Miami, FL this treatment is highly sought after for a variety of reasons including its ability to enhance the lower body, look more attractive in clothing, and provide more youthful and appealing appearance to the backside. However, you may be wondering if you have enough excess fat to extract in order to achieve that curvy look.
Am I a candidate?
With any type of cosmetic surgery, the number one criteria that candidates should meet, is to be in good health. The good news is that almost anyone, regardless of body type, can have this procedure. The caveat--is that patients must have enough body fat to successfully be able to make the transfer. Some patients may require a butt implant if they do not have excess body fat to spare through liposuction. During your consultation, Dr. LaGrasso will assess if you have enough fat to be liposuctioned for the BBL procedure. Also, it is always important to have reasonable expectations for the desired outcome. You want your results to appear as natural-looking as possible. Dr. LaGrasso will guide you through the process and discuss in detail the shared vision along with reasonable expectations for before and after surgery. Equally important, patients must have a significant amount of donor fat, which is measured in ccs, in order to adequately fill the buttocks area. The exact amount of fat used varies from patient to patient depending on the desired outcome. It is not uncommon for thinner patients to be asked to gain weight prior to the procedure if more fat is needed.
CCs explained
In medical terms, CC stands for cubic centimeter and it measures volume. During the Brazilian butt lift, the exact amount of excess fat tissue is extracted through liposuction, measured in CCs, and then inserted into the buttocks region of the body. Typically, the amount of fat required depends on your body type and desired fullness. This amount could range anywhere from 300 CCs to 1,600 CCs. However, during your assessment, Dr. LaGrasso will discuss the specific amount of fat you need, based on your body proportions, in order to achieve your results.
Attaining that voluptuous look
To get the most optimal voluptuous results, you need a skilled and experienced surgeon. In Miami, FL Dr. LaGrasso’s expertise and experience in BBL will ensure you receive the right amount of fat removed from your problem areas. He is a fat transfer expert, which means during the grafting process, extra care is taken to make sure the healthiest fat cells are used during surgery. The fat is then transferred and injected into layers into the buttocks to create a fuller, more proportionate backside tailored for your body. The shape of your new buttocks is determined based on your hips, bones, and pelvis size. During your consultation, Dr. LaGrasso will work with you by looking at pictures and explaining choices, and suggesting the best technique for you. His excellent surgical skills, keen eye for aesthetic detail, and extensive training makes him a top choice for Miami men and women searching for a Brazilian butt lift surgeon.
Maintain your curves
After your Brazilian butt lift, you will want to maintain its perky and firm look by following a healthy lifestyle. Once you heal, the final results will be seen. If you lose weight your fat cells around the buttocks will shrink. If you gain weight the cells will expand proportionately. While it is difficult to gain weight in the areas of your body that underwent liposuction, that does not mean that other areas of your body will not be affected by the extra weight. The best way to preserve your new curves is to maintain your natural healthy weight. Once doctor clearance is given, you may resume your normal exercise routine to maximize your results.
A Brazilian butt lift, coupled with liposuction and fat transfer, can give you the fuller, shaplier figure you have always wanted! Unfortunately, the unwanted signs of aging or even weight loss can leave you with a flatter than desired backside. BBL is an excellent choice to give your rear the shape you want. Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso of Miami FL is a highly skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon. His experience with this procedure will guide you in creating a customized plan to give you the beautiful results you desire. Call or schedule your BBL consultation with Dr. LaGrasso today!