What Can An Extended Tummy Tuck Do For Me?

When patients in the Miami area are bothered by their lower abdominal area then considering cosmetic surgery may be the next step. Patients, both men and women, who feel self-conscious about their stomach area and realize that no matter what they do it is not changing then a tummy tuck procedure can be the solution. An extended tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure to help patients who have lost a substantial amount of weight or for women who struggle with post-pregnancy issues with how their stomach area looks. An extended tummy tuck is the advanced cosmetic technique to help individuals with excessive loose, saggy skin get a flat, toned-looking stomach and feel great about how they look!

Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso, is a leading body contouring expert in the Miami, FL area. He has helped women and men effectively transform and contour their stomach area so they can feel better on the inside and out. If you have lost a significant amount of weight or had multiple babies during pregnancy you may need the help of an extended tummy tuck. Here is some key information on what an extended tummy tuck can do and how Dr. LaGrasso can help.

Tummy tuck procedures
A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical technique to remove excess, saggy skin and tighten the underlying abdominal muscles. With advancements in surgical skills and medical technology, qualified plastic surgeons can offer different tummy tuck options to their patients. This allows surgeons, like Dr. LaGrasso, the ability to customize each tummy tuck procedure in order to give their patients what they need. Some patients may only need a mini tummy tuck to get the end results they desire while others may need more invasive help like with an extended tummy tuck.

What is an extended tummy tuck?
A traditional tummy tuck typically includes the lower abdominal area from hip to hip as the target area. An extended tummy tuck is just like it sounds, which means it extends the process a bit further and includes the lower abdominal area from hip to hip as well as outward to the flank or lower back area. It is more invasive involving the removal of a larger amount of loose skin and excess fatty tissue, as well as tightening the underlying abdominal muscles (when needed). Although more invasive, it can lead to very dramatic results for patients who struggle with excessive loose skin and lower body rolls due to weight loss. An extended tummy tuck will usually involve liposuction, like with a traditional tummy tuck, to remove stubborn fatty tissue in order to further contour the area. It also involves repositioning the belly button so that it looks proportionate and symmetrical in order to give patients a great new, aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Who would benefit from an extended tummy tuck?
Dr. LaGrasso’s patients who are candidates for this type of tummy tuck surgery are men and women who have lost an excessive amount of weight and have maintained their new goal weight for over 6 months. Extreme weight fluctuations can cause the skin on the stomach area to stretch or become lax. Mothers of multiple babies, such as twins or triplets, post-pregnancy can also struggle with this abdominal issue. Unfortunately, no amount of exercising can tighten excessive amounts of loose skin once it has lost elasticity. If a traditional tummy tuck is not enough to correct the loose skin, turning to an extended tummy tuck procedure can be a helpful cosmetic solution.

Factors to consider for an extended tummy tuck
After losing a significant amount of weight, Miami, FL women and men feel great and have more energy but unfortunately their skin won’t just snap back. Patients can have a problem finding new clothes that accommodate the excess skin in their abdominal area as well as leave them feeling self-conscious about how they look. Loose skin and isolated rolls that can form with both skin and fat can also lead to dermatological issues and make it hard in general to be active. If you have done all the hard work to lose the weight then an extended tummy tuck can give you the contoured, shapely midsection you desire. During your initial consultation, Dr. LaGrasso will examine the abdominal and lower back area in order to determine the best surgical plan for your needs. Factors he will be considering are:

  • How much excess skin needs to be removed?
  • How large is the target area?
  • Is liposuction needed to better contour the extended target area?
  • Will the belly button need to be addressed?
  • Will the underlying abdominal muscles need to be tightened?

Body contouring help after weight loss
One of the main reasons why men and women consider cosmetic help, like an extended tummy tuck, is due to the unsightly appearance of their stomach area after losing all the weight. Body contouring options, like an extended tummy tuck, can help individuals with excess, loose skin feel better about the skin they are in post weight loss. An extended tummy tuck can even be done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures like a breast lift or breast augmentation and even liposuction in other areas to give patients an overall new look!

When patients lose a significant amount of weight and are left with saggy, loose skin then it can leave them feeling defeated about all their hard work. An extended tummy tuck can give patients, in the Miami area, hope that their recent weight loss achievement can look even better! The first step is consulting an experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso, who can help patients love their new achievement of losing the weight and love their overall new look! If you are considering an extended tummy tuck procedure, then call or schedule your consultation with Dr. LaGrasso. You don’t have to live anymore loving what the scales say but disliking how your midsection looks. Call today!


Tummy Tuck

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.